Creation - The BULL GOD 'EL' from Canaan Phoenicia or EL ELYON the ELOHIM (ELOHYM) "אֱלֹהִים" is the CREATOR GOD of the BIBLE which is the 'CRETE TAURUS BULL.' Byblos or Gebal is from Canaan Phoenicia and was created by the BULL GOD CRONUS or Saturn EL!
So, like I said EL (אל) is the Hebrew God of the Bible that comes from Canaan Phoenician which the Bible is named after (Byblos, Gebal). EL (אל) is the bilateral parent root of ELOHIM (אֱלֹהִים). EL (אל) is made from two letters from Hebrew, the Alef and the Lamed or the A&L. The very letters themselves tell us the exact same story and the very essence of their meaning! The Paleo-Canaan or Paleo-Hebrew pictographs (hieroglyphics) clearly tell the story at hand here. The ALEF or the 'A' which is the FIRST letter and CREATOR letter of the alphabet we use to this very day is the pictograph of the OX or the BULL, signifying the LEADER, the BOSS (BOS) the KING, the FATHER GOD! The other pictograph of the letter 'L' is the STAFF or the walking cane that is called the OX-GOAD, which is the dried up BULL penis and is the symbol of authority and power! it's the same as the Egyptian 'WAS' which is the STAFF of authority, the BULL PENIS STAFF! EL is the BULL GOD and his very name show us the very essence of the BULL! (Numbers 23:22) God (EL) has "horns of the wild ox."
The GOD of the BIBLE that CREATED (CREATOR) is NOT YAHWEH AT ALL! READ Genesis 1:26 AGAIN! ELOHIM "אֱלֹהִים" (EL) said 'Let us make man in our image, after our likeness; (US & OUR). So, 'us' and 'our' are plural meaning Polytheism NOT Monotheism! EL (ALEF & LEMED) Alef "A" (OX) and the Lamed "L" (OX-GOAD) is talking to the other Elohim or the other GODS and saying let's make MAN (ADM) ADAM from 'OUR' image, NOT 'MY' (singular) image.
Genesis (Gene of Isis the COW, BULL) 1 (A) The VERY FIRST words of the Bible or the TORAH (Septuagint the 5 Books). The origin of life or the CREATION was made by EL or ELOHIM "אֱלֹהִים" NOT YAHWEH (YHWH) "יְהוָה". GOD in the Bible is ELOHIM (ELOHYM) and LORD is the master or ruler thus the Bible uses LORD for YAHWEH (YHWH) "יְהוָה".
YAHWEH did not CREATE the Heavens and EARTH as per the CREATION STORY of Genesis! Genesis doe not USE YAHWEH to describe the CREATION, it uses GOD (ELOHIM) which is actually the GODS! EL fathered the GODS so actually EL Created them ALL (Mythology not in real life). LORD is used for YAHWEH (YHWH) and LORD means MASTER! YAH is the MOON and the crescent of the MOON is the BULL HORNS, thus YAH is YAHWEH, aka SIN! Jesus is YAHshua, thus his name is CHRIST because the very word CHRIST comes from CRESCENT of the MOON!!!! THUS JESUS and his HORNS and THORNS, just as MOSES had HORNS when he came down from the Mountain of the MOON MOUNT SINAI where he spoke to YAHWEH the MOON GOD!
ALMOST ALL ancient civilizations use the SYMBOL (BULL) of the BULL in creation stories! GO learn about ancient KEMET (EGYPT), and if you have as you have claimed then I do not need to tell you all about NUT, OSIRIS, ISIS, PTAH, APIS BULL, HATHOR, ETC! The GREEKS, ROMAN, CELTS, MINOAN, SUMERIANS ETC with their 'creator' BULL GODS!!!
- NUT (COW, BULL) Creation Goddess
- Neith (COW, BULL) Creation Goddess
- Hathor (COW, BULL) Creation Goddess
- Isis (COW, BULL) Creation Goddess
- Ptah & Apis (BULL) Creation God
- Osiris (BULL) Creation God
- Atum-RA or Mnevis (BULL) Creation God
- Monthu - took the form of a white BULL
- Buchis - Bakha (Ka is cattle) Turned into a wild BULL
English which is actually 'Anglish' is made from a mixture of many languages throughout the world. Our English (Anglish) alphabet comes from the ancient Canaan Phoenician Hebrew Alefbiet or the ALEF and the BIET, the A and the B. Almost all modern day languages stem from the Semitic Hebrew languages from Canaan Phoenicia, which is why for example that we have 'phonetic' (Phoenician) sounds. The very word 'language' also tells us the very same story, the EL-ANGU-age. EL is the OX BULL father God, and ANG is also the BULL as in Angus Bull. The alphabet means the HOUSE OF EL or the HOUSE of the BULL GOD EL, the leader and chief King Bull God. Beit (Beyt) is the letter 'B' and means HOUSE, thus the alphabet is the HOUSE of EL the BULL!
Yahweh was a Storm Lord, Baal was a Storm Lord, Jesus is the Storm Lord. Thor the Storm Lord, Enlil was the Lord of the AIR or of the STORM. Thunder and lightning Gods. ANU was a COW or BULL, father and creator of the Gods of ancient Sumarian mythology. Enlil is made from AN thus the EN of Enlil. Yahweh Yod (Y) "he" and HWY "becoming" or Arabic "He who causes to fall" or "He storms."
Yahweh (Bull) slays the Leviathen (serpent dragon) of the deep sea
Baal (Bull) slays the Yamm (serpent dragon) of the deep sea
Marduk (Bull) slays Tiamat (serpent dragon) of the deep sea
Gilgamesh (Bull) slays Humbaba (Beast) of the Cedar Forest (Humbaba’s roar is a flood). Gligamesh slays the Bull of Heaven.
Marduk was the (Solar Bull or Calf). Baal was always a Bull. EL (GOD) in Numbers 24:8 God (אל) had “the horns of the wild Ox (Bull).”
ASHTILE (youtube) you said "name Yahweh came from, possibly from the Egyptian Iah, who was a MINOR god, then again from the Ugarit Yam/Yaw."
First, the 'Minor' is the MIN or the MOON as in the Minotaur BULL. A 'minor' is a son of the father, or smaller than, younger than or the new young calf of the Bull. or the New Bull (to be) that came from her cave. A Miner ascends to the underworld like the labyrinth of the cave (of the goddess) where you find the Minotaur. lol
Iah Moon God of ancient Egypt (YAH, JAH, AAH, YRH) Yarikh (ירח) Canaan Phoenicia Moon God Lord of the sickle (Moon Crescent) Jericho (Moon) YAH (Yareah) Yahweh "YHWH" (יהוה) is the Moon God and thus the 'horns' and the relationship to Mount Sinai or the 'Mountain of SIN' the Moon God. The calf, cow, bull worshipped at Mount Sinai tells the story again. The relationship to the 'Bull or the Calf' and 'KA' is Egyptian for 'cattle' which is why it begins with the 'CA.' So as I have said YAH of Yahweh is the BULL and related to the MOON God.
Igigi are the Anunnaki. Anunnaki were the children of ANU (AN) the Bull or Cow Goddess and God, the SKY AIR God(s), and KI the Earth God (Sumerian). Ki and An were brother and sister, the children of Anshar (Sky) and Kishar (Earth). The Fallen Ones, the Anunnaki, those who from heaven fell to earth. Thus Enlil is an Anunnaki, thus the EN (AN) of Enlil and he is the Lord of the Air or Sky or Storms. The 'lil' is like 'little' thus the LITTLE AN (EN). Ninlil is the consort (sister?) to Enlil, and her names means the Lady of the Air, thus we also have Lilith of the Bible, the Hebrew death goddess angel of the air demon of the night.
'Ancient' is another word we use from the chief father mother Gods of AN(u). 'Ancestor' is another. Notice the TOR or the Bull, once again we find the BULL or COW of AN(u). The Winged Bull. Creator is another, from Crete where they worshipped the Bull, and the suffix of TOR (Bull). So were the Anunnaki really demi-gods or minor gods that came from the heavens (sky)? The watchers? or are these just ancient stories created by man to explain the unexplainable?
By Christopher Lord