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Monday, February 28, 2011

(Ben Fakehope)

Why do you think the world LIGHTS UP LIGHTS during the 12, or the DEATH at the end of the year called Saturnallia (Saturn) what we call Christmas. We CUT the Sacred TREE and PUT LIGHT on it because the SUN needs HELP right now, it has died and gone to the underworld, and like the torch of the night, the Moon or the SHE RAH lights up the night time or the underworld time. So the SOL-T (TREE)-ICE (solstice) is when the sun dies, so we LIGHT lights to show the SUN of god the way back to be created ANU (new), or as the soon to be NEW BULL. Thus the story of Jesus the SUN of GOD and why we celebrate the baby jesus or the baby SUN at this time. lol

You have not watched my video you BLIND FOOL I ALREADY KNOW THAT, BEN you are YEARS and many LEVELS Behind me, that one guy was correct, you are not even on the same level as me, AT ALL! Do you want to to school you on that also? BECAUSE I CAN 100% without QUESTION!!! YOU have no idea! FOLKS HE KEEPS DEleting MY Comments FACT!!

I am going to expose your DEVILISH ways, I was joking calling you a two faced liar, a trickster, and the evil Magician, but I did not know YOU REALLY ARE ONE, I saw your videos, YOU ARE THE FAKE EVIL DEVIL! lol WOW!

UPDATE: (Score as usual) lol
Truthiracy 100%
Fakehope 0%

THERE was many more responces I made that were very good, BUT HE TOOK THEM RIGHT DOWN! EXPOSED YOU BEN!!!

Truthiracy Love vs Evliness in Gracie Jiu-Jitsu

I am a Professor of Gracie Jiu-Jitsu (Gracie Barra) for over 16 years now. I joined because when my real father left when I was three, I got teased as a child and i hated Bully's so much! So when I saw Royce Gracie the little guy beat down these HUGE men and not even hurt them, I said to myself, this is the martial art I need to learn. I was living in Hawaii at the time, so Relson Gracie was there and so began my training with the Gracie family in 1994. So to make a long story short, how do you THINK I beat and TAP OUT 300 pound BIG MEAN men? Because i am meaner or stronger? NO, because I possess the wisdom to use their strength against themselves, and the important part is, that I beat them every time, year after year, never losing once and WHY? Because I had the wisdom of the techniques, so I do not have to hurt my opponent, which is compassion. I could hurt them badly every time, yet I use and give what they give off, I only use just enough to win, and I NEVER hurt THEM! If they got me down in a bad position, they would wrench and twist and pull me apart if they could, because they are in a rage of ANGer like a BULL. While I am the protector of the sheep, and I can FIGHT and WIN that BIG DUMB EVIL BULL because I possess the power and wisdom of LOVE! Evilness is weakness! I am very honored that the REAL GOD of humans has so called 'blessed' me with the gifts I have or why my name is Christ Lord lol Aloha Professor Christoher C. Lord

EL Truthiracy for Ben Stanhope

Ben, honestly your grasp of reality is more than deficient or inadequate, your understanding makes you look like a feeble emaciated cow! It's amazing you fail to see that Jacob or Jack, is the Black Jack of EL, like the Jacob story and the desert jackals aka 'Canis.' Why do you think Jacob had two wives and 12 tribes? Because EL had two wives and ruler of the 12 houses of the zodiac and of course EL is related to the desert! AND YES, this is WHY the letter "L" is our 12th letter. It is like the "A" or alef, just like the "L" or lamed, both come from the OX or the BULL! Adam also had two wives, Lilith & Eve. First of all, EL, Eli, or ll is the Canaanite Phoenician God specifically. You say that EL is a semitic word and this is true, however it is a semitic word that comes specifically from Canaan Phoenicia. A Semite, or one who comes from or is related to Shem or Sēm which covers a broader spectrum of Semite cultures such as the Akkadians (Babylonians), Canaanites (Phoenicians), Hebrews (Israelites), Arabs etc.. So, EL is specifically a Phoenician Canaanite God of the most high! Shem or Sēm is the genealogy of the seminal fluid or the semen, the seed, thus Hebrews are descended from their forefather Shem. We are talking about the Bible that was written from the city of Byblos which is FROM Canaan Phoenicia! Were was Jacob buried? Canaan. What does Israel mean? Jacob. “Assemble and listen, sons of Jacob (12 Tribes or the Children of Israel); listen to your father (god) Israel". Who did the israelites worship? The Golden Calf (Bull). You said "The use of the word elohim in Hebrew is not an indication that the name Israel has anything to do with Ugaritic." and "Your mention of the Phoenician makes absolutely no sense." Ben this is absolutely wrong! EL (Elohim, Elyon) of the Bible, and EL from the Ugaritic is the father of all man kind. So, Jacob is Israel and israel is god father of all. EL ruled the sun and the moon, the two pillars, EL & Asherah (Fire Women), aka Jacob & Sarah. Sarah was the daughter of Asher (son of Jacob) as in the Ashur Bull. Saturn's son was Zeus the BULL. EL was the BULL GOD and then the Israelites have the story called the Bible or the two bulls. In the Tanakh, remember that ANKH is the CROSS section of the thoracic vertebra of a BULL, thus we have a symbol (BULL). The Ankh is sacred to Isis, thus the symbol of Venus or the goddess Asherah (SHE RAH). Torah is the fire torch of the BULL Taurus like 'Toro!' and red. The sacred 'Djed' is the sacrum of a BULL's spine! So, the BULL GOD EL ruled the 'sun and the moon', thus we have Israel or Isis (moon) Ra (sun) and EL (Saturn). The Mediterranean Levant stretches north to south from the Taurus (BULL) Mountains to the Sinai (MOON Mountain) desert! The Bull & the Moon or the Minotaur. This is why the Washington Monument is the Obelisk (Baal), the penis pole of the BULL! This is why it is called the MON (moon) MIN (Egyptian fertility moon god). This is why we have an Illuminati, the enlighten ones, or the 'EL MIN.' Thus the Hebrews say they are monotheistic (moon), and they are the ELite, the Monarchy (moon), and they worship YAHweh (Egyptian word for moon is also YAH). So our first day of the week is Moon's Day or Monday. When do all the Hebrews worship their god YAHweh? On Moon dates 100%. Who was Yahweh's Consort? Asherah! When does the DAY begin for Hebrews? At SUNSET when the MOON COMES OUT! And the FIRST DAY of the Hebrew week is Saturn's Day (Saturday), so the FIRST DAYS are either Saturday or Monday, the Moon & Saturn again, EL YAH! The Hebrew live their lives by the Calendar, which is both a Solar (sun) and Lunar (moon) calendar of one solar year and 12/13 Lunar phases, thus our word Month (moon). A calendar is a record of TIME, and the father god of TIME is Cronus, the founder and creator of the city of the Twin BULLS, Byblos, the Grand Father of Time, Saturn EL (Cronus). Yes, Time Flies, and if you drink the RED BULL or the Twin Bulls or the Twin Pillars Red Bull will give you wings so you can fly! Notice the two bulls and the sun in the center or the MID EL! What is the SYMBULL of the illuminati? The Symbol of AIR, and the symbol of 'air' are the 'wings.' The 'air' symbol is the 'truncated pyramid,' like the letter 'A'. Notice that the capstone is 'aloft' in the AIR like the Hebrew Yod or Yoda! lol Notice that Saturn EL is always shown with the WINGS of the AIR, just as the ANG of EL (angel) has. Note that EL was also known as the BULL God Enlil, the GOD of the AIR! Thus we have the Monolith, the BLACK STONE that fell from heaven to earth and brought man kind enlightenment. Thus we have the Black fallen stone of the Kabba, I could go on all day and night, all week, all month and yes, i could go on and on all YEAR, but I better stop now! lol So, this is REAL TRUTH, NOT fake RA EL LIES, NO BULLSHIT! Are you A BULL to CAP A BULL? Or should I say, are you capable of standing under my wisdom so that you my understand it? lol Truthiracy